    First Name
    Last Name
    States worked in
    Colorado, Wyoming
    Countries worked in
    United States, Brazil, Peru
    Brief Bio
    I am a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) originally from Brazil. I have been living in the US since 2008 where I completed my Masters Degree in Counseling Psychology, met my beloved wife and deepened my work and training as a psychotherapist. I am committed to helping human beings to grow, evolve and become more fully who they are. ​ The seeds of my commitment to be of service as a psychotherapist were planted as a young person. At 20 years old, traveling and wondering about the purpose of life, I found myself working picking apples in southern Germany as part of a climbing adventure. I spent days and months in the fields with immigrants with whom I was not able to exchange a word in the same language but with whom I shared a profound sense of camaraderie, and collaboration. That experience opened my heart and left me with an important question. What really makes humans connect, unite, respect and love each other? That question led me to pursue an education in psychology in Brazil. From there, my interest in human relationships grew and I became very compelled by the challenge of how to help human beings realize their full potential. For years, I dedicated myself to using my passion for rock climbing as a therapeutic tool and channel for the exploration of human motivation and growth. My studies in psychology continued at a university in Chile. While there, as part of my own self exploratory path, I immersed myself in the practices of yoga, meditation and amazonian shamanism. Influenced by those experiences, I dedicated nearly three years to working as a psychotherapist at Takiwasi, an addictions rehabilitation center in the Peruvian Amazonian jungle. I feel fortunate to have more than a decade of experience as a psychotherapist helping individuals, couples, teens and families to find their way through some of the most intricate challenges of their lives.
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