Bridge Variance

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Please read all of the criteria prior to submitting your application for a Bridge Variance


The Bridge Variance is a two-year “bridge period” running from July 1st, 2022 to July 1st, 2024. The bridge period recognizes those individuals who have guided/instructed continuously in a specific terrain and would grant those approved an additional two years to take AMGA training to meet the Scope of Practice (SOP) requirements. After the bridge period, any individuals granted a Bridge Variance will be required to work within the SOP.

Required Criteria: 

The Guide or Instructor has worked every year in the specific terrain since prior to January 1st, 2008 as stands for Tenured Guides working for Accredited Businesses.

The Guide or Instructor can document and legally verify:

  • 25 annual guiding days in terrain for which the variance is requested
  • 2 days of documented annual training in each terrain type for the terrain in which a variance is requested
  • During the bridge period, Guides or Instructors must maintain AMGA professional membership.
  • If approved, the member must agree to pursue formal AMGA training consistent with the SOP for the terrain they wish to guide/instruct.
  • If approved for this Variance, members must continue to abide by the AMGA Brand Use Policy, and may not use any specific AMGA branded titles for marketing purposes beyond what they have earned via AMGA programs. I.e. Unless the individual has passed an AMGA Rock Guide Exam to become certified, they may not use the title AMGA Rock Guide.