Hire A Guide – Sean Englund

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    Brief Bio
    Sean Englund is originally from Washington State, but lived there for only a small portion of his life. For the majority of his life, home was abroad in Europe, where the mindset and methods with which he approaches life were developed at an early age. While living on the other side of the pond, Englund’s family yearned to submerge their kin into a variety of cultures, experiences, places and individuals by traveling to new and exotic lands. Englund says this is where he found his obsession to seek and roam. Englund is currently working as a window washer in Durango, Colorado where he is pursuing his Environmental Geology degree and minor in GIS at Fort Lewis College. Englund is a very self-driven person. By the age of seventeen, he successfully completed a two-year program to become a certified automotive technician; at eighteen, he became a National Eagle Scout in the Boy Scouts of America. Throughout high school, Englund was always very active in extracurricular and volunteer activities and community service. These experiences allowed him to strengthen his communication, social, and technical skills. Englund’s favorite hobby is highlining, which is simply just like slacklining but higher up. It allows an individual to be in an air space that no one else has ever been before, and be comfortable with it. Englund says it changed his life for the best, to say the least. He also has a passion for rock climbing, ice climbing, mountain biking, paragliding, and soon to be BASE jumping. Englund follows the words of the late Henry Ford who said, “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t – you’re right.”
    Fun Fact
    I love Cheese
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