Individual Educational Variance

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Please read all of the criteria prior to submitting your application for an Individual Educational Variance


For individuals working at an outdoor education organization seeking a variance. Please be advised that if approved, the Individual Educational Variance will expire two years after the approval date, at which time the individual instructor or guide who still meets the criteria will be required to reapply. 

Required Criteria: For an individual to obtain a variance from the AMGA Scope of Practice (SOP), the Educational Organization for whom they work must meet the following criteria:

    • The organization must not be an AMGA Accredited Business.
    • The organization is a registered nonprofit, and/or Accredited by the Association for Experiential Education (AEE)
    • The primary focus/mission of the organization must be education and not a guiding business as outlined in the SOP framework.
    • There must be an internal staff training process at the educational organization for the relevant terrain in which the individual guide or instructor will be working.
    • Variances are intended for ski, alpine, and multi-pitch rock terrain. All other requests may be considered via the “Other” Variance application.

The organization must have a comprehensive Risk Management Plan that covers at a minimum the following: Example doc

  • A Serious Incident and Fatality Response Plan
  • Emergency Communications Plan
  • Emergency response documents for field instructors and Admin.
  • Incident reporting policies and clear procedures for documentation of incidents.

Definition of an Educational Organization: 

An educational organization is defined as any organization that is not organized for profit, whose primary purpose is to educate and develop the capabilities of individuals through instruction by means of operating as a school, academy, college, university, etc., and is not a guiding business.