Hire A Guide – Uttunga Gaikwad

  • Certified Single Pitch Instructor
First Name
Last Name
+91 9970273960
States worked in
Colorado, Wyoming
Countries worked in
United States, India, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
Brief Bio
Hi All, I am Uttunga Gaikwad you all can call me Tony, and I am from the Mumbai, India. I started climbing when I was very young because of my father, my father is a well known mountaineer and a climber in Maharashtra, India. He use to take me to the mountains in his back pack when I was a little kid and i instantly got hooked on it. I was a shy kid and climbing was the only way i would express myself and realize later on in life that I want to climb all my life. After I finished high school I started volunteering for the summer camps where I would work as an assistant guide for hiking, climbing and all sorts of land-based outdoor activities. I learned that I was passionate about guiding new people in the outdoors field, and it was in no time that passion became my profession. I have been working as an Outdoor Educator for the past 13 years now, and in these years I have worked in different countries like India, USA, UAE, Saudi Arabia. In my career, I have always made a point of staying up to date with certifications and current industry standards. My communication skills and leadership qualities have always helped me in working with teams and as an individual. Safety is always the first and foremost priority, I am a huge practitioner of ‘Challenge by Choice’ in all my programs. I believe that if I as an individual have a choice of not doing something I am not comfortable with so do my participants, with that being said I always create a safe learning environment both physically and emotionally in all my programs. I am really passionate about being Outdoors, Rock climbing, and Mountaineering. It gives me great satisfaction in sharing my passion with people and helping them achieve their goals. I have a huge love and respect for nature, and I practice and promote Leave No Trace in all my expeditions and programs. I am looking forward to gaining more professional development certifications through AMGA courses and expand my scope of guiding in varied terrain.
Fun Fact
I have worked at the tallest climbing wall in the middle east
Guiding Since