3 Easy Rules Of Content Marketing

Content marketing is strategically creating and publishing content on different platforms to connect with your customers. The goal is to drive traffic to your website and increase bookings. Create content like blogs, articles, white papers, ebooks, videos, photos, infographics, and podcasts and publish it on your website, in forums/groups, through emails, and on social media.


Rule #1 of Content Marketing: Build Trust With Your Target Audience

You build trust with your customers by providing content that either entertains, informs, or educates. If a potential customer is searching for rock climbing shoes and you have a blog post dedicated to it, they get the impression you’re an expert. If the blog is informative enough, they’re likely to share it with their networks as well.

This helps you establish credibility and expertise in the industry and grows your business.

They may follow you on social media for more easily consumable content. 

How To Do This:

Start by making a list of your most frequently asked questions by your guests:

  • What are the most important muscles for rock climbing?
  • How does one get into rock climbing?
  • What are the best rock climbing magazines?
  • What is a basic list of gear needed for rock climbing?

Then decide where your target audience is. Are they on Instagram? Post a video or photo answering one question. If they’re on Facebook, it makes sense to write an article and post in groups or on your timeline. Your target audience could even be on YouTube. In that case, make short videos answering questions. 


Rule #2 of Content Marketing: Use SEO Tactics

SEO (search engine optimization) is a free and long-term strategy to get more customers on your website and booking a trip with you. This is when someone types “mountain guides in Colorado” in Google, thousands of results display. The more SEO tactics you use (efficiently), the more likely you’ll show up higher in search results. 

The benefit of using SEO means you’ll eventually build your domain authority and get more website visitors without having to spend money through ads. And as long as your blogs, videos, photos, etc. exist, you’ll still show up in search results.


How To Do This:

The easiest way to start is by brainstorming a list of keywords and phrases your guests use to describe your service and your industry. You want to have a list of about 50 words to start. Then continue to add to it as you learn more.

Next, go to websites like Quora or Facebook groups where people are asking questions about your industry. Make a list of these questions and continue to add.

Finally, decide what kind of content you can create with your limited time. Is it faster to take pictures and post them? Do you have the time to write blogs for your website? Create a simple schedule to keep you focused and developing new content consistently.


Rule #3 of Content Marketing: Make Your Content Shareable

The content you produce can (and should) be shared. Paid search ads can’t. It’s important to make your content share-worthy. Think about what your guests are interested in and create that.

Also, it doesn’t hurt to go on social media platforms to see what others share. Most of the time, we share because we want to come across as educated, informed, funny, etc.

When you create shareable blogs, videos, photos, etc. this helps build brand awareness in that the more people who share your content, the more people become aware of your guiding business. This inevitably leads to more website visitors and bookings.

How To Do This:

Go to the platforms your guests visit, like Instagram, Facebook, Reddit, YouTube, Pinterest, and Twitter. Then see what content they share and any comments they leave with their repost. Understand the intent behind the share. Do they want to inform, entertain, or educate their followers/friends?

When you have a grasp on what customers share, start creating that kind of content and share it on social media and online platforms.

Content marketing is a great strategy to drive more traffic to your website by informing, educating, inspiring, and entertaining your guests. Start small, track your results, and don’t be afraid to do something different.



About the Author:

Jessica is the Digital Marketing Specialist for Origin. Origin is innovative online booking software designed specifically to help tour guides and outfitters keep trip reservations and staff availability up-to-date, prevent overbookings, and even help you assign guides to newly booked trips with automated text messages to confirm availability. Interested in learning more? Schedule a call with us or visit our website: www.exploreorigin.com