Access Secured in Ouray Ice Park

Ouray Ice Park Image

A new management agreement has been adopted by the City of Ouray and Ouray Ice Park, Inc. that secures 25% of visitor capacity for commercial and institutional group use. “This is a very positive outcome for the guiding community and is the result of a strong advocacy effort by Ice Park guides and guide services, the AMGA advocacy department, the AAC, and AORE,” says Matt Wade, AMGA Advocacy & Policy Director. The guiding community attended over 20 meetings with stakeholder groups to discuss management strategies, advocate for guiding interests, and seek common ground. This built rapport and ensured guiding interests were represented at every step in the process. “As a result of this effort, we have an agreement that goes a long way to protect guiding – and potentially expand it – while also addressing crowding issues and other land management concerns.” The new commercial use guidelines will take effect in the 2019-2020 season. Stay tuned for updates.

Photo courtesy of Zach Lovell