Hire A Guide – Michelle Theresa Moreno

    First Name
    Last Name
    Theresa Moreno
    States worked in
    Countries worked in
    United States
    Brief Bio
    I was born and raised in an inner city of Los Angeles where outdoor recreation was not accessible. After succumbing to major adversities growing up in the city, I was able to graduate high school, and decided to take gap years before I enrolled into a community college where I found my interest in Engineering. It wasn't until I transferred out to Arizona State University where I discovered my passion for Rock Climbing and realized that I wanted to be a Yosemite Climber. I funded myself through schooling while taking gap years to work full-time. It was during one of the gap years I decided to move and work in Yosemite National Park to make one of my dreams come true. Most of my climbing had been within the arena of Sport Climbing before I moved out to Yosemite, and with a few months of traditional climbing in Joshua Tree. When I arrived to live and work in Yosemite early fall 2019, I was immediately humbled by the old school grading, the stoutness, and technical savvy moves of the glacial granite. However, I took my time to learn the art of Yosemite Climbing. While living in my tent cabin located in Curry Village I was able to go back to school remotely during global quarantine. I, then, graduated remotely from my Engineering program and have since then been living my life mostly in the park. There have been winters where I will take the time to climb in the deserts of Joshua Tree, California, Red Rock Canyon, Nevada and Arizona. At this time in my life, I find solace in spending time in Tahoe while working at Blue Granite Climbing gym. I am still passionate for my rock climbing and want to find a place where I can work remotely or hybrid as an Engineer. Being a woman of color in Engineering is statistically low in numbers in the field and STEM is also my passion. My goal is to achieve a balance between becoming a Professional Climbing Guide, while I work to achieve a successful career as an Engineer.
    Fun Fact
    I make delicious allergy free chocolate chip cookies.
    Guiding Since