2015 Five Ten/Randal Grandstaff Scholarship Video - Dave Ahrens from American Mountain Guides Assoc on Vimeo.
Dave Ahrens received the 2015 Five Ten/Randal Grandstaff Scholarship for his AMGA Advanced Ski Guide Course/Aspirant Exam this winter. Check out his video to see what the program is all about!
I would like to extend a huge thanks to Five Ten and the Randal Grandstaff Memorial Scholarship. Though this was a ski course, I also have a deep love for rock climbing, and though I never met Randal I know we shared a passion for rock climbing and introducing people to these passions we hold so high. […]
The AMGA is excited to announce our blog series, running through 2015, featuring Q & As with AMGA guides, instructors, and members who are integral members of our corporate sponsors’ athlete teams—men and women who are delivering both in the guiding world and as ambassadors for their brands and chosen outdoor sport(s). There is and always has been much overlap between mountain […]
At first glance I thought it odd that Camp Chef’s Everest 2 Burner Stove was named after the highest mountain in the world, since it’s a big, double-burner stove clearly created for car camping. I wouldn’t exactly take the 12-pound Camp Chef Everest on a mountain—no one would. But, as I soon learned upon using the Everest, the […]
When I first arrived in Yosemite almost ten years ago, I knew that it would be a part of my life forever. I arrived with less than $50 in my bank account and had simple dreams of getting a job washing dishes and climbing just high enough to see above the trees. As a young girl […]
Tickets for the premiere of the 11th annual Adventure Film Festival on September 12-13 are now on sale! Get ready to awaken your senses while exploring the beautiful mysteries of our universe through the craftsmanship of storytellers, artists, extreme athletes and adventurers. BUY NOW: http://www.bouldertheater.com/event/adventure-film-festival Here’s a taste of our thrilling lineup: BOULDER […]
The Patagonia Cragsmith Pack 35L, intended as the ideal sport climber’s pack, is so much more. Aside from an overnight in which I needed a larger-volume pack, there hasn’t been an outing in which I haven’t used this pack since its arrival in early June. This perfectly sized pack quickly became my day climbing and […]
My life as a climber started bumbling around New England ice falls, reading Kiss or Kill, Ice World, and trying not to epic. I happily relocated to Ouray, Colorado, late in 2001, drawn to the classic ice lines, the mountains, and the rich climbing history of the San Juan Range. Eventually, with the help […]
Bringing the Spectron 4 and Camel (Category 2–4) lens to the sunglasses and glacier-glasses market, Julbo is at the forefront of versatility. And the good news is, you can use either lens with the women’s-specific MonteRosa sunglasses. The Camel lens adjusts to different environments, changing according to the intensity of brightness and glare. Whether I […]
AMGA Announces a New Executive Director in Alex Kosseff Boulder, Colo. August 4, 2015 – The American Mountain Guides Association (AMGA), a 501 (c)(3) educational, non-profit dedicated to supporting and furthering the profession of American mountain guiding, announces a Alex Kosseff as its new Executive Director. Kosseff begins his new position at the important industry […]
On March 29, 2015, I packed up my apartment in the San Juans and headed north to Golden, British Colubmia, for the AMGA’s Advanced Ski Guide Course and Aspirant Exam (ASGC/AE). After a winter of Ski Guiding for San Juan Mountain Guides in Ouray, Colo., I was feeling ready to spend some time in a […]