AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor

instructor_CWI_B&WClimbingWallInstructorThe Climbing Wall Instructor Program (CWI) was introduced in 2007 to certify professionals who teach in an indoor or artificial wall environment. It aims to increase the level of professionalism in indoor climbing and to improve the level of climbing wall instruction, to develop a more consistent standard of care for climbing instructors in the US, to evaluate the skills of climbing instructors in the US, and to provide guidance for further professional development. There are two certification levels:

  • AMGA CWI Top Rope
  • AMGA CWI Lead

This course addresses the basic technical skills necessary to manage an instructional program at a climbing facility. The course length is a minimum of 20 hours of instruction, skills demonstration, and evaluation, typically run over 2.5 days. CWI Certification lasts for three years. After three years current CWI’s can re-take a one-day reassessment to regain the CWI certification.

How to Apply

Step 1: Join the AMGA (or log-in to your existing account)

Step 2: Apply to Your Course or Assessment

  • Sign in to your myAMGA account.
  • Click the “Apply for a Program” tab.
  • Select the discipline and course type you are applying to.
  • Select the specific program you are applying to and click “apply.”
  • Confirm your prerequisites.

Please contact the Program Provider directly if you have questions regarding the course selected.

  • POLICY UPDATES as of January 1, 2022

    Climbing Instructor Program policies were updated January 1st, 2022 to create clear and consistent procedures for commonly asked questions.

    12 month SPI and CWI Certification re-entry period:
    SPI’s and CWI’s will have 12 months from the date of certification expiration to pursue an exam for recertification. If they do not pass an exam for recertification within the 12 month re-entry period, they will be required to retake the entire SPI Course or CWI Program.

    2 Year SPI Course sunset time:
    The SPI Course will have a two year sunset time. After two years, if the SPI Course graduate has not passed an SPI Exam, they will need to retake the SPI Course prior to pursuing the SPI Exam.

    Program make-up guidelines:
    Make-up options will be available for students/candidates who receive an “incomplete” final mark on any SPI or CWI Program because of factors limiting attendance including but not limited to weather or an emergency.

    View Details and FAQ Here

  • CWI Course Prerequisites


    There are two certification levels in the Climbing Wall Instructor program, Top Rope and Lead. Prerequisites for each certification level are presented below.These prerequisites are considered the bare minimum of skills and experience needed to successfully attain CWI certification.

    Top Rope Certification pre-requisites:

    • AMGA Professional Membership
    • 18 years of age at the time of the course.
    • At least one year documented personal climbing experience (a minimum of 30 outings climbing indoors and/or outdoors in the last 12 months.)
    • Ability to comfortably climb 5.7 on top rope on artificial surfaces.
    • Ability to top rope belay with a manual braking device or an assisted braking device.
    • Ability to tie the figure eight follow through and familiarity with the figure eight on a bight and overhand on a bight.
    • An understanding of the proper use of personal climbing equipment, including shoes, harness, carabiners, and ropes.
    • Prior teaching and/or having observed basic climbing courses is recommended, but not required.

    Lead Certification pre-requisites

    • AMGA Professional Membership
    • 18 years of age at the time of the course.
    • At least one year documented personal climbing experience (a minimum of 50 outings climbing indoors and/or outdoors in the last 12 months.)
    • Ability to comfortably climb 5.9 on top rope and competently lead climb 5.8 on artificial surfaces.
    • Ability to competently belay a lead climber with a manual belay device and assisted braking device.
    • Experience teaching (formally or informally) the use of personal climbing equipment, including shoes, harness, belay device, carabiners, and ropes.


• Find a location and date that works for you.
Please do not contact the AMGA office to register for a course.

NOTES: 1. Click on the direction icon in the Dates column to arrange courses in chronological order.

2. Click on the blue information icon in the Code column to get contact information for the Program Provider.

Code Location State Dates Tuition Status Apply
NBON-CWI-MIX-2025-2 Lakewood Colorado 4/12/25 - 4/13/25 $435.00 Open Apply
NOKL-CWI-MIX-2025-6 Nobleboro Maine 3/28/25 - 3/30/25 $500.00 Cancelled
Bondi Outdoor Leadership
Lakewood, Colorado
[email protected]
Equinox Guiding Service
Nobleboro, Maine
(207) 542-3925
[email protected]