University of Utah College Credit

The University of Utah offers credit for the completion of the AMGA’s introductory-level programs. These courses are listed within the Parks, Recreation & Tourism Land Based courses in the University’s catalog. The University of Utah is the only University currently providing this option to AMGA students.UnivofUtah1

Academic credit is available for the following AMGA courses:

  • Climbing Wall Instructor Course
  • Single Pitch Instructor Course
  • Alpine Guides Course
  • Rock Instructor Course
  • Ski Guides Course

General information

Each class allows for 3 credits that will yield a letter grade.

The cost of these 3 credits per course is $140.00.

You must apply for credits prior to taking an AMGA course. Credit hours will not be granted for courses previously taken AMGA courses.

In regards to the accrued credits:

  • If the student is current at the University of Utah, the class is added into their current transcript.
  • If the student is current at another university, the credit becomes transferable assuming their university allows this (typically not an issue).
  • If the student is not currently attending any university, a transcript will be kept on file at the University of Utah representing the course or courses taken and letter grade earned. The student can access that transcript anytime.

Course categories and numbers:

  • PRTL 1246 – AMGA Ski Guides Course
  • PRTL 1247 – AMGA Rock Instructor Course
  • PRTL 1248 – AMGA Alpine Guides Course
  • PRTL 1249 – AMGA Climbing Wall Instructor Course
  • PRTL 1250 – AMGA Single Pitch Instructor Course

These can be viewed via the online course catalogue for PRTL courses by clicking here.

For more information please contact Nate Furman, Ph.D., University of Utah Department of Parks, Recreation, and Tourism at [email protected] or 801-585-3204.
